New York Times 100 years ago today, October 29, 1912:
Conservatives Tell Gomez of Plan to Kill Menocal.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
HAVANA, Oct. 28.— An alleged conspiracy to assassinate Gen. Menocal, the Conservative Presidential nominee, was denounced to President Gomez this afternoon and an investigation was ordered. It was charged that five policemen had been selected for the deed, and that a house had been obtained, near Gen. Menocal's residence in Vedade, which was passed by him several times daily. The plot, it was alleged, was that the policemen should fire on Gen. Menocal with mausers, and when it was certain he was dead two or three negroes would be chased and probably killed to make it appear that they were the real assassins.
Police officials questioned to-night admitted that the charge had been made, but declared the story to be unfounded.
It is said that five distinct plans to assassinate Gen. Menocal have been made within as many weeks, and conservative leaders are beginning to believe that the plot will be carried out, owing to Gen. Menocal's utter disregard for his safety. Gen. Menocal refuses to carry arms or allow any other escort than his three campaign aides. It is not believed that further trouble will ensue in Havana, owing to the thorough command of the situation by Gen. Mendieta; but the Government is uneasy regarding possible conflicts in Cienfuegos, where the tension is exceedingly strong.
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