Friday, April 5, 2013

To Settle Rumania's Claim.

New York Times 100 years ago today, April 5, 1913:
Decision to be Given When Peace Parleys Are Resumed.
    ST. PETERSBURG, April 4.— The Ambassadorial conference, which has in view the settlement or the dispute between Rumania and Bulgaria, at its second meeting to-day examined in detail the memoranda of the plenipotentiaries and disputants, and an exchange of views between the Ambassadors established a common ground for ending the controversy. Despite the mutual opposition of the contending parties, the question will be definitely settled and the decision published simultaneously with the resumption of the peace negotiations between the allies and the powers.
    M. Sasanoff, the Russian Foreign Minister, to-day explained to the representatives in the Duma the evolution of Russia's foreign policy. He declared that Russia had no occasion to fear war complications. The demands of the Balkan allies would be more or less satisfied, he said, but Montenegro would receive less than the others, as she was not to have Scutari.

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