New York Times 100 years ago today, July 31, 1913:
Considers Appeal for Rumanian Jews, Emancipators Hear.
Word has been received in this country that Emperor William is considering seriously the appeal made to him by cable by the American Rumanian Jewish
Emancipation Committee to use his good offices to compel Rumania to live up to her promises in the Treaty of Berlin of 1878 to grant to her 250,000 Jewish subjects full rights of citizenship and to recognize their religious and social rights.
Henry Green, Executive Secretary of the committee, has received this letter from Count von Bernstorff, the German Ambassador:
Newport, R.I., July 22, 1913.
My Dear Mr. Green: The telegram which the members of the American Rumanian Jewish Emancipation Committee have sent to his Majesty the German Emperor on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his reign has been submitted to his Majesty. I am directed to transmit to the members of your committee his Majesty's thanks for this kind attention.
Yours very sincerely,
German Ambassador.
"While the letter from Ambassador Bernstorff is gratifying to the committee," Mr. Green said yesterday, "inasmuch as it shows that Emperor William has taken official cognizance of the matter, advices which I have received from Berlin privately make me even more hopeful that the Emperor is considering taking action as we suggested in our cable. I feel certain that once the matter is properly brought to his Majesty's attention — as the committee proposes to do by sending a delegation to lay the facts before him and the German Reichstag — the matter will be taken up with the Rumanian Government in a manner that will leave King Charles I. no option but to do what we are working for."
The committee's cable message to the Emperor was sent at a meeting held at the Waldorf-Astoria several weeks ago and was signed by Champ Clark, Speaker of the House of Representatives, as President of the Committee, by Mr. Green, and other members of the committee.
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