Saturday, September 1, 2012

American Marines Killed In Managua.

New York Times 100 years ago today, September 1, 1912:
Panama Gets Report That Nicaraguans Have Slain Two of Our Men.
Europeans Appeal to Their Home Governments — Other Towns at the Starvation Point.
    PANAMA, Aug. 31.— Reliable information from Managua, received here to-day, is to the effect that two American marines have been killed there.
    Local papers to-day publish a report that ex-President Zelaya of Nicaragua, whose Government was overthrown in 1903 by the revolution headed by Gen. Estrada, has arrived in Colon on his way to Nicaragua. Inquiries at the Nicaraguan and American Legations failed to confirm the report.
    Owing to the revolution in Nicaragua, it is said that the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's vessels are not receiving cargoes at Nicaraguan ports.

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