Thursday, September 6, 2012

Norway-New York Wireless Service.

New York Times 100 years ago today, September 6, 1912:
High-Power Stations Are to be Erected by Norwegian Government and Marconi Company.
Marconi Scheme to Encircle the World with Communicating Stations Takes Another Step.
By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times.
    LONDON, Sept. 5.— The Marconi Company announced to-day that a contract had been signed with the Norwegian Government for the erection of high-power stations in Norway and in the vicinity of New York for the purpose of conducting a commercial telegraph service between Northern Europe and the United States.
    According to the statement issued by the company, the receipts of the two stations are to be pooled between the Norwegian Government and the Marconi Company of America, and divided equally.
    The Marconi Company is to receive $350,000 for the Norwegian station exclusive of the site and the foundations of the buildings, and 10 per cent, of the gross receipts for a period of twenty-five years, at the end of which time the Norwegian Government is to have the right to renew the agreement.
    The establishment of the new transatlantic wireless system is part of a gigantic scheme undertaken by the Marconi Company to encircle the entire civilized world with communicating wireless stations. Already there have been ordered a number of such stations in various parts of the British Empire, which are destined to form a portion of a chain to be known as the Imperial All Red Route. When this chain is completed the stations will be about 2,000 miles apart, all in British territory. Already high-power stations have been established in Egypt and at Aden, as well as a station in Upper Egypt which will communicate with Pretoria. Similar stations are being erected in India, Singapore. Hongkong, Australia, New Zealand, and the west coast of Africa.
    This Imperial All Red Route will be under the direct control of the British Government, but in the Western Hemisphere there will be established a chain of stations on the Pacific Coast of the United States which will communicate with Hawaii, the Philippines, and thence with the Orient, until the entire world is encircled with high-power wireless stations.

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