Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Russian Mutineers Fight?

New York Times 100 years ago today, September 5, 1912:
Battle In the Black Sea Reported— One Mutinous Vessel Sunk.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
    LONDON, Thursday, Sept. 5.— The Constantinople correspondent of The Daily Chronicle says:
    "A private telegram received here from Sevastopol states that the crews of the naval squadron in the Black Sea have mutinied.
    "The warships bombarded the forts, which replied vigorously and sank one of the attacking vessels.
    "Heavy gunfire was proceeding when the message was dispatched from Sevastopol.
    "The message states that one of the cruisers escaped, and has arrived at Burghas, Bulgaria.
    "Reports of disaffection in the Russian Black Sea Fleet have been current for some days past."

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