Saturday, October 6, 2012

Servia's King Belligerent.

New York Times 100 years ago today, October 6, 1912:
Tells the Skupshtina It Is Time to Establish Peace.
    BELGRADE, Oct. 5.— In his address to the Skupshtina, which opened to-day, King Peter declared that the mobilization of the Servian Army was due to the attitude of Turkey in sending troops to the Servian frontier, and declared that Servia would do everything in its power to establish real and permanent peace in the Balkans. The King's address, which was sent to all foreign legations except the Turkish, was loudly cheered. In it he said:
    "The Skupshtina has been convoked in extraordinary session for the reason that extraordinary circumstances have set in in our neighborhood. The unbearable state of our co-nationalists in the Ottoman empire has always been of great concern to the kingdom of Servia. Owing to the growing lamentations of our brethren, who are threatened with total extermination, we have had to combat the most powerful unanimous feelings on the part of the nation for the sake of preserving peace in Eastern Europe.
    "Observing such a correct attitude, the kingdom could rightly and reasonably expect that the introduction of reforms in the Ottoman empire, insuring the peaceful existence and development of our co-nationalists, would be proceeded with.
    Such measures would also have removed impediments to the peaceful development and progress of Servia. Not only that, but the great powers also would have been benefited.
    "I have applied with friendly counsels to Constantinople regarding the misery which the Christian nationalities, including ours, are suffering in Turkey, and it is to be regretted that all this was of no avail. Instead of the expected reforms we were surprised a few days ago by the mobilization of the Turkish Army near our frontiers. To this act, by which our safety was endangered, Servia had only one reply. By my decree our army was put into a mobile state.
    "Our position is clear. Our duty is to undertake measures insuring our safety. It is our duty, in conformity with other Christian Balkan States, to do everything in our power to insure proper conditions for a real and permanent peace in the Balkans."

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