New York Times 100 years ago today, January 27, 1913:
Decide to Draft a Note to Turkey, Breaking Off Negotiations.
Threaten Also to Denounce the Armistice Unless a Reply to the Powers Is Speedily Forthcoming.
By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times.
LONDON, Monday, Jan. 27.— The Balkan delegates have taken a radical step and decided to break off negotiations with Turkey.
At a meeting of the plenipotentiaries yesterday it was decided to address a note to the Turkish Embassy, announcing the rupture of the peace conference. The note will declare that the revolutionary change in the, Government at Constantinople, and more especially the defiant attitude assumed by the new Ministry in regard to the question of Adrianople and islands, constitute a new element in the situation, which renders further negotiations superfluous.
All the delegates agreed that further delay on the part of Turkey in replying to the note of the powers could not be tolerated, and should the Turkish reply be not received within the next two, or at most three days, denunciation of the armistice by the allies will follow.
The terms of the note to be addressed to Turkey were considered, and decided on at yesterday's meeting, and the document will be drawn up in final form to-day.
Denunciation of the armistice would give the powers four days to determine whether they could devise any means of bringing more pressure to bear on the Turks, but the prospects of further intervention are thought remote. It is felt that about all that can now be expected from them is to make certain that the war, if renewed, shall be limited to the Balkan States and Turkey. The Daily Mail says that assurances on this point have been given by all the powers, including Russia and Austria, who have a special interest in the issue of the struggle.
A dispatch to The Times from Constantinople says that the Porte's reply to the powers will probably be given to-day.
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