Saturday, March 30, 2013

Allies Piercing Tchatalja Lines.

New York Times 100 years ago today, March 30, 1913:
Defiant of Powers, They Push On and May Dictate Peace at Constantinople.
Turkish Prisoners Numbered 60,000 and a Great Quantity of War Material Was Captured.
    LONDON, March 29.— Although a report from Sofia that the Bulgarian troops have pierced the Tchatalja lines in the neighborhood of Lake Derkos, on the Black Sea, is not yet confirmed, it is evident that fighting is going on there in the face of the orders of the great powers that the Balkan war shall cease.
    The allies have accepted the powers' peace terms as "a basis of negotiations," but cling to their determination to exact an indemnity and refuse to muzzle their guns until the Turks accept their terms. Their experience of the last armistice, they say, was that Turkey used it merely to gain time.
    The Bulgarian Army therefore continues to batter at the Tchatalja lines, and it seems entirely possible that the allies may march into Constantinople before peace is signed.
    The spectacle of the six great powers working in harmony on the Balkan question is matched by the equally strange spectacle of the Balkan States defying them. The concert of the powers remains only as strong as its weakest link, and, as Russia cannot be expected to use her army and navy against her Slav brethren to loosen their grip on the Turk, the proceedings have been reduced to a diplomatic debate.
    The Montenegrins are protesting through the diplomats and the press and by every means against the powers' decision to include Scutari in the new State of Albania. Their argument is:
    "Why should Europe deprive Montenegro of a city, necessary for its prosperity, to create a new and artificial State?"
    The entire Bulgarian Cabinet is proceeding to Adrianople to-morrow with King Ferdinand and will celebrate a Te Deum in the ancient Turkish capital, while the gallant Simkri Pasha and his Generals are prisoners of war in Sofia.

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