New York Times 100 years ago today, March 19, 1913:
Several Presidents, Too, Have Fallen by the Hands of Assassins.
There is scarcely a country of the world that has not at some time felt the hand of the political assassin. Emperors, Kings, Presidents, and statesmen have been slain by Anarchists, persons disgruntled because of real or imaginary wrongs, fanatics, lunatics and political conspirators. Since the year 1801 the toll of the assassin among the world's rulers and Presidents of Republics is:
Czar Paul of Russia, assassinated March 24, 1801.
Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, shot by John Wilkes Booth April 14, 1865.
Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Turkey, assassinated June 4, 1876.
James A. Garfield, President of the United States, shot by Charles J. Guiteau, July 2, 1881.
Czar Alexander II. of Russia, blown to pieces by a bomb, March 13, 1881.
Sadi-Carnot, President of France, shot by an anarchist in Lyons, June 24, 1894.
Nasr-ed-Din Shah of Persia, assassinated May 1, 1896.
Bordia Idiarte, President of Uruguay, asassinated Aug. 25, 1897.
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, assassinated by an Italian anarchist, Luccheim, at Geneva, Sept. 10, 1898.
Gen. Heureux, President of the Dominican Republic, assassinated July 20, 1899.
Humbert, King of Italy, assassinated July 29, 1900, by Angelo Bresci, an anarchist.
William McKinley, President of the United States, shot by Czolgosz, Sept. 6, 1901.
Alexander, King of Servía, and Draga, his Queen, assassinated by military officers June 11, 1903.
Carlos, King of Portugal, ano Luis, Crown Prince of Portugal, assassinated in a
Premier Canalejas of Spain, killed by Manuel Pardinas, anarchist, Nov. 12 , 1912.
Francisco I. Madero, President of Mexico, and Pino Suarez, Vice President, shot by revolutionists Feb. 23, 1913.
Nazim Pasha, War Minister and Commander in Chief of the Turkish Army, shot in a demonstration at Constantinople, Jan. 24, 1913.
Dr. Manuel E. Araujo, Premier of Salvador, assassinated Feb. 4, 1913.
Of attempts at assassinations of rulers there have been a large number. Even so beloved a sovereign as the late Queen Victoria of England was exposed several times to shots of would-be assassins, who were generally shown to have been insane. King Edward VII. was the victim of an attack while visiting in Belgium. King Alfonso of Spain and his bride, the Princess Victoria of England, were the objects of an attempted assassination while driving home after their marriage ceremony, a bomb having been thrown at the carriage in which they were seated. Neither the King nor the Queen, however, was injured. Most recently, Col. Theodore Roosevelt, though not then President, was the victim of an attempted assassination in Milwaukee.
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