Saturday, April 6, 2013

Chinese Recognition Sure.

New York Times 100 years ago today, April 6, 1913:
Powers Assure Us That They'll Join Us in Accepting Republic.
Special to The New York Times.
    WASHINGTON. April 5.— While no authoritative announcement has been made of the fact, it is known that the initiative taken by the United States for the simultaneous recognition of the Republic of China by the powers has already received assurances of success from the nations concerned. At least three answers received by the Administration from Governments whom we asked to welcome China into the sisterhood of republics are favorable to the proposal.
    It is believed that the three Governments are Great Britain, Germany, and France. The assent of Japan has not been conclusively given, but was informally indicated. It is thought that in the case of several other powers the delay is less due to hesitation than to the slow process of conducting diplomatic business.
    Recognition now rests upon the Chinese constitutional assembly effecting its organization and electing a President of the republic. Should the news of the consummation of both these ceremonies of self-government be received by cable next Tuesday little time will be lost in issuing the President's proclamation recognizing the republic.
    The suggestion that Mr. Bryan feels embarrassed by the possible complication of the programme of recognition by the fact that Mongolia has in effect seceded from China and negotiated a treaty with Russia, by which the latter power recognizes the independence of Mongolia, is not appreciated at the State Department. It is contended there that the civil status of Mongolia is an internal affair with which the Chinese Government alone is concerned, so far as the present intention of the United States to recognize the republic is concerned.
    Mr. Bryan said this afternoon that he could not understand what the trouble over Mongolia had to do with the matter. Other officials said it was hard to conceive how Russia could undertake to offer any objection to the recognition of China by this country, because she had practically seized the territory of outer Mongolia. At any rate Secretary Bryan refuses to be disturbed over the Mongolian phase of the case.

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