New York Times 100 years ago today, May 28, 1913:
They Are Told That the Time Has Come to Sign the Draft Peace Treaty
LONDON, Wednesday, May 28.— The growing displeasure in diplomatic circles of the great powers at the attitude of Greece and Servia found expression yesterday in what practically amounted to an ultimatum, which Sir Edward Grey, the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs, delivered to the delegates of the belligerents.
The communication, which was couched in strong phrases without ambiguity, made it perfectly clear that enough time had been spent in futile discussions of the peace settlement and that the moment had arrived for the signing of the draft treaty.
Despite assertions to the contrary, the Ambassadors were from the first averse to any modification of the draft, not because of the character of the proposed changes so much as because of the delay which would attend fresh discussions.
Furthermore, it was pointed out that the proposed modifications were useless in those cases which had been left in the hands of the powers. Consequently the delegates were informed that a decision had been reached that peace should be signed forthwith without modification.
It was also intimated that those States which were prepared to sign should do so, and that it would serve no purpose for the delegates not prepared to sign to remain here longer.
The Servians and Greeks have notified their home Governments of this decision, and are now awaiting instructions. The Turks and Bulgars are ready to sign, and it is not expected that the Montenegrins will raise any objection.
Some of the Balkan delegates express the opinion that the communication of the powers savors more of intervention than of mediation. But the real reason behind the ultimatum lies in the determination of the diplomats to get the draft signed, so as to be in a position to take up the big questions remaining for settlement after the preliminaries of peace are adopted.
A Constantinople dispatch says that the Council of Ministers has decided to reject all modifications of the peace draft suggested by the allies.
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