New York Times 100 years ago today, July 18, 1913:
Two of Them, According to Reports, Murdered by Mexicans.
EL PASO, July 17.— All Americans and many foreigners in Torreon, Coahuila, are arranging to leave there for Eagle Pass, Texas, on a special train over the National Railway, according to an American who reached here from Torreon to-day. He said the Consular representatives of Germany, France, Italy, and the United States had been negotiating for several days for a train to be run through the lines of the opposing forces without delay, on which 300 foreigners would be sent to safety in Texas.
Jack Griffin, an American mechanic, was shot to death by Mexican bandits near Chiuchupa, State of Chihuahua, on July 8 when he refused to give his captors a ransom, says an El Paso American who arrived from Western Chihuahua to-day.
The armistice in the Guaymas campaign expired to-day. Gen. Obregon, insurgent commander, did not announce whether he would renew the siege. Gen. Ojeda's Federal forces made no move out of the Gulf town.
The truce made four days ago was prompted by appeals from foreign residents and their Consular agents in Guaymas, the Americans and others asking that the campaign be continued outside the town. Gen. Obregon at once withdrew his forces to Maytorena, between Hermosillo and Guaymas. The Federals then re-occupied Empalme, a suburb to the north.
Expiration of the armistice leaves the Sonora situation as it was a month ago. The insurgent State troops, acting under orders from Hermosillo, the State capital, control the entire State, with the exception of Guaymas.
The hope held by the insurgents that they could starve out the Federal garrison has been shattered, as boats have continued to arrive from Southern ports still controlled by the Huerta Government.
News came to-day from Columbus, N. M. that 200 men, comprising the advance guard of Francisco Villa's rebel command, had reached Palomas, and that Villa began moving his main force this morning from Ascencion. Whether he was heading for Juarez was not known. A rumor prevailed yesterday in rebel circles, that Villa had been ordered by Gov. Carranza to move at once to Coahuila and help his leader in that State.
Powell Roberts, a former El Paso Police Sergeant, was arrested to-day by United States officials on a charge of conspiracy to smuggle ammunition into Mexico. Officers of the Badger Fuel Company told the Federal officers that Roberts had bought the coal, which was loaded on the ammunition in a box car, in the fuel company yards Tuesday night. The Shelton-Payne Arms Company said Roberts bought the ammunition.
DOUGLAS, Ariz., July 17.— Jose Sanchez, Ascona, who was private secretary to President Madero, and Gen. Jose de Luz Blanco, a Madero insurrecto lender, arrived here to-day. Although they refused to disclose their mission, it was said they would attend a conference of the Sonora insurgents relative to the campaign about Guaymas. It was added that new plans would be made for a fresh attempt to oust the Huerta Government from its only remaining stronghold in Sonora.
DEMING, N. M., July 17.— Word was brought here yesterday by courier of the murder near Columbus, on the Mexican border, of the United States mail carrier, operating between Columbus and Deming, by Mexican rebels. The carrier was shot from his horse. Several mail pouches he carried were taken into Mexico.
It is said a, large amount being transmitted from a Columbus bank to Deming was in one of the pouches. The name of the carrier could not be learned.
NOGALES, Ariz., July 17.— Three sets of wireless apparatus are being installed by the United States Army Signal Corps at points west of here. It is understood the central station will he established at Nogales, with other stations along the border as far as Naco. The wireless is intended to facilitate the transmission of messages among troops of the border patrol on duly along the Sonora-Arizona line.
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