New York Times 100 years ago today, July 13, 1913:
Europe Stirred by Rumor of Sofia Revolution and Assassination of Monarch.
Spurning Russian Pleas, the Greek King Swears Vengeance on the "Bulgarian Monsters."
Tchatalja Troops Ordered to Advance — Another Rumanian Column Invades Bulgaria.
By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times.
VIENNA. July 12.—Wild rumors are in circulation in this city and Bucharest concerning the serious state of affairs in Sofia, the Bulgarian capital.
According to one report King Ferdinand has been assassinated, following an outbreak.
In Bucharest the report is current but not confirmed that revolution is imminent in Sofia.
The population of the city are said to be greatly embittered against the Government.
LONDON, July 12.— Rumors of tumults in Sofia are telegraphed by the Vienna correspondent of the Central News, who reports that a mob stormed the Government offices and came into contact with the troops, who fired a volley, killing many people.
It is also rumored that the Royal Palace is surrounded, but this statement is without confirmation.
The Secretary of the Bulgarian Legation said late to-night that he had received no message from Sofia indicating a revolutionary outbreak, or that King Ferdinand had been assassinated, as rumored in other Balkan capitals.
The latest official telegram received by the legation was sent from Sofia at 9:14 o'clock this evening.
VIENNA, July 12.— A dispatch from Sofia says that the actual military and political situation in the Balkans is unknown to the populace in the Bulgarian capital. The Government there has suspended the newspapers so as to prevent unfavorable news from spreading, while the War Office continues to issue reports of the success of the armies in the field.
Nothing was known until last evening by the inhabitants of Sofia of the action taken by Rumania, whose troops have crossed the Bulgarian frontier and occupied considerable territory.
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