Saturday, July 13, 2013

Report of Orozco Victory.

New York Times 100 years ago today, July 13, 1913:
    EL PASO, Texas. July 12.— Juarez officials received a message from Chihuahua to-day stating that the relief column of Gen. Pascual Orozco, advancing from the south and repairing the railroad into Chihuahua, had repulsed the rebels at Mapula, near Chihuahua killing 170. Federal authorities stated that Gov. Venustiano Carranza of Coahuila, leader of the Constitutionalistas in Northern Mexico, had ordered Pancho Villa not to attack Juarez, for fear of causing American intervention.
    Gen. Luis E. Torres, Federal commander in Sonora for many years under the Diaz regime, who left for Los Angeles last night, asserted that a recent report from Mexico City that permission would be asked from the United States Government to pass a Federal military expedition through Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona to Sonora was without foundation.

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