Saturday, October 6, 2012

Policeman Falls Dead.

New York Times 100 years ago today, October 6, 1912:
Expires on the Eve of Retirement in the Station.
    Patrolman John Horan, attached to the Charles Street Station, died suddenly early yesterday morning in the station, a short time after he came off duty. Death was attributed to heart trouble.
    Horan had been on duty from 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon until midnight. When he returned to his station he sat in the squad room with several other policemen, and Sergeant Kelly noticed that he looked ill. As Kelly started to go to Horan, he fell over unconscious.
    An ambulance was called, but when Dr. Bigelow arrived from St. Vincent's Hospital, Horan was dead. Horan had been in the Department for twenty-five years. He had just told another policeman that he had purchased a farm and intended to apply for retirement. He was married, and lived at 335 East Eighty-ninth Street.

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