Friday, October 5, 2012

Powers Moving To Avert War.

New York Times 100 years ago today, October 5, 1912:
France Proposes That Balkan States Be Halted and Turkey Forced to Reform.
Servia and Bulgaria Almost Ready, While War Spirit Rises in Constantinople.
Agreement Apparently Signed In Switzerland, Subject to Ratification at Home.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
     LONDON, Saturday, Oct. 5.— France has made a definite move toward preventing a general outbreak of hostilities in the Balkans, where French financial interests are estimated to amount to $800,000,000. Her action has taken the form of a strong appeal to the powers to hold back the Balkan States by force if necessary, and to compel Turkey to grant substantial reforms in her European provinces.
    M. PoincarĂ©, the French Premier, and M. Sazonoff, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, have fully agreed on the plan, and the Quai d'Orsay was yesterday in active communication with French diplomatic representatives in the great capitals, emphasizing the need of swift collective action.
    The French proposal admits of two methods: Collective action by all the great powers, or action by Austria and Russia together on behalf of the powers.
    Beyond this movement in the direction of peace there are few salient facts in the news of the Balkan situation, though there is an abundance of rumors, among which was one that Bulgaria would make a hostile move during the night.

Bulgaria and Servia Nearly Ready.
    The Daily Mail's correspondent in Vienna sends the following dispatch: "The situation in the Balkans to-day was described to me in an authoritative quarter. According to official reports reaching Vienna, the Bulgarian mobilization will be completed in two or three days, while the Servians, who have mobilized with surprising speed, will be ready by Saturday. The Greeks are proceeding more slowly, and their mobilization will not be finished for a fortnight.
    "It is estimated here that when mobilization is finished the Balkan States will be able to oppose 350,000 men to the Turks."
    The Constantinople correspondent of The Daily Chronicle telegraphs:
    "To show the extreme tension existing here it may be noted that the Bulgarian, and Greek Ministers are prepared to depart at a moment's notice, and are simply awaiting orders.
    "To-morrow being the anniversary of Bulgarian independence, is fully expected by many Bulgarians to mark the occasion by declaring war.
    "The Greek, Servian, and Bulgarian chambers will meet to-morrow, and it is expected that they will make simultaneous declarations of the annexation of Macedonia.

Turks Rush to Volunteer.
    "Warlike Turks are volunteering by thousands, and all the Mussulmans in Russia share this patriotic enthusiasm. It is only with difficulty that Turkey is able to restrain the war spirit on the frontiers. The slightest provocation would bring about a violent explosion.
    "Many Greeks and Bulgarians have been forbidden to leave Constantinople, as the excitement is growing to such a dangerous pitch.
    "Scenes of almost unprecedented enthusiasm have taken place under the shadow of Ahmed Mosque and on the same ground as the Janizaries slaughtered in 1823. Vast crowds have been listening to the impassioned. The speeches moved men, women, and even children to extraordinary enthusiasm.
    "The theme of all the speeches is the determination of the Turks to conquer not only their present enemies, but carry their frontiers again to the Danube, which originally bounded the Turkish dominions.
    "In the midst of one great throng a little child was hoisted above the people, and in a thin, shrill voice shouted:
    " 'My father is a soldier and I shall be a soldier to die for my country.'
    "This incident set the whole crowd shouting defiance to the enemy. "Long live the war!" and "Down with Bulgaria!" were the popular cries.
    "All is activity in the Ministry of War. Various commissions have been appointed to purchase horses, mules, and vehicles for the transportation of stores.
    "The Sultan to-day appeared before a huge body of demonstrators. He made a stirring appeal to their loyalty, and was himself so overcome with emotion at the patriotism displayed by all that it was plain that he wept.
    "If war breaks out I am assured that France will protect the Greeks in Turkey, Russia the Servians, and Great Britain the Bulgarians. "So great is the excitement here that even earthquake shocks, which usually strike terror into all hearts, now go unnoticed."

Turkey and Italy Near Peace.
    Reports are current concerning the Turco-Italian peace negotiations in Switzerland. From Geneva and several other quarters came statements that the negotiations had reached a satisfactory conclusion, but the semiofficial Rome Tribuna denied last night that peace had been concluded.
    It is surmised here that this denial may be based on the fact that the Turkish and Italian delegates at Geneva do not possess plenary power to sign a treaty of peace. If this surmise is correct, the official announcement of the conclusion of peace would not be made until after the delegates, who have left Switzerland for Rome and Constantinople, reach their respective capitals.
    In this connection a dispatch has been received by The New York Times correspondent, dated Geneva, saying:
    "The Italian Turkish delegates at Ouchy are worried by rumors and have officially denied that peace has been concluded, but I learn that the vital questions were settled and the text was communicated to the Cabinets in Constantinople and Rome for ratification last night, the delegates working hard till midnight."

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