New York Times 100 years ago today, October 5, 1912:
But Bulgarian Invasion of Turkey Is Now Confirmed.
LONDON, Oct. 5.— Telegrams from the Near East capitals last night threw little light on the Balkan situation. A brief dispatch, stating that railway traffic had been stopped between Constantinople and Mustapha Pasha and Dodeaghatach and confirmation of the news that Bulgarians had crossed the Turkish frontier, was practically all the information of a military nature received in London.
One hopeful sign is the fact that diplomatic relations remain unbroken and that apparently no ultimatum or a declaration of war has been made. Therefore, diplomacy still has time to act in the interests of peace.
Although more hope prevails of averting war, it is thought that unless the powers act promptly it may be too late to prevent an explosion.
The presence of so many thousand armed men of rival nations so close to each other is the dangerous feature of the situation, but until war has been actually declared diplomats, who are working tirelessly, refuse to give up hope.
With Austria and Russia in accord and with the Balkan States unable to procure financial support, it is thought the belligerent powers may see the futility of going to war, only in the end to be deprived of such territorial benefits as they might have expected to obtain in the event of success in their fight with Turkey.
Turkey, however has become less docile and if her hands were free from the Italian war, her people would be united in patriotic fervor to defend their fatherland. She appears bent on settling the Balkan question once for all by means of war.
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