New York Times 100 years ago today, December 25, 1912:
Arlington Radio Station Signal May Cover Ocean and Continent.
Special to The New York Times.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24.— On New Year's Eve the radio station at Arlington will send out a time signal from the naval observatory. The signal will be the same as the daily noon-time signal sent by the various coast stations. It is expected that with the higher power of the Arlington station the message will have a very much larger radius, and the hope is that it will cover the entire North Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea and perhaps extend across the continent to the stations on the Pacific coast.
The signal will begin five minutes before midnight, and the beat of the master clock at the Naval Observatory will be sent, omitting one beat before every half minute, five beats before each minute and ten beats before the final signal, which will go at exactly midnight, standard time, seventy-fifth meridian.
The Eiffel Tower radio station in Paris will be on the watch for the signal and may catch it.
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