Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fight On Border, Americans Kill 6; Clash In Capital.

New York Times 100 years ago today, March 3, 1913:
Huerta's Machine Guns Quell Revolt of Maderists — Their Officers Executed.
Opposite Douglas, Ariz., Our Cavalrymen Battle with Mexican Regulars.
Negro Troopers Rush to Aid, and Are Said to Have Crossed the Border After Assailants.
Rebellious Prisoners In Mexico City Shot Down by Guards on the Transfer to Belem.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
    MEXICO CITY, March 2.— A force of irregular troops who fought under Madero during his successful efforts to drive Porfirio Diaz from power attempted a mutiny in the Colonia do Santa Julia, a northwestern suburb of Mexico City, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning.
    The Government officials were aware of the conspiracy to start an uprising and had planted machine guns during the night where they would command the district in which the troops were quartered.
    The soldiers, who were apparently intoxicated, broke out with shouts of "Viva Madero! Death to Diaz."
    A few rounds from the machine guns and the outbreak was quelled in short order. It is estimated that a hundred of the mutineers were killed and a score more seriously wounded.
    After peace was restored, several of the officers of the rebellious troops who had been Maderist leaders were executed.
    This is the second plot since the fall of Madero that has been allowed to come to a head, and then crushed without mercy.
    The firing during the outbreak this morning was heard in the city, but attracted little attention, showing that confidence is returning in the capital.

Rebellious Prisoners Shot.
    Some prisoners, who were removed from Belem prison before the general jail delivery at the time of the fighting in the city, were retransferred from the penitentiary to Belem prison to-day. When they reached the entrance, they mutinied and refused to enter. The guards were forced to fire to bring them to terms, and several were killed. The firing caused some commotion in the vicinity.
    A force of rebels said to be part of Gen. Dela O's command, attacked a train bound for Cuernavaca, this morning at Ajusco, thirty miles from here. The affair took place in a cut and the troops on the train had no chance. It is said that between fifty and sixty-five men were killed. Two hours after the receipt of the news here 600 men of the Forty-second infantry were on the way to the scene.
    A great public demonstration in favor of Gen. Felix Diaz as a candidate for the Presidency was held to-day and proved very successful. The box in the bull ring in which President Madero sat a month ago was occupied to-day by Gen. Diaz. The candidate received a tremendous ovation when he appeared in the box. The band played a march which had been dedicated to Diaz, and the crowd cheered lustily, stopping the fight for several minutes.
    The mention of the name of Madero evoked hisses, indicating the wane of his popularity.
    Gen. Diaz has finally persuaded Francisco de la Barra, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and former Provisional President, to be his running mate in the coming electoral contest.
    The nominations meet with general approval, although some of the politicians, it is believed, will propose the candidacy of Emilio Vasquez Gomez for the Vice Presidency. The Vasquez faction has caused much trouble wherever it has had a hand, and it is believed an attempt will be made to keep them out.

Rumor of Foreign Complication.
    There was great tension in political and military circles last night and to-day over what is reported as an international complication. Great reserve is being maintained, but a secret Cabinet meeting was held late last night and another to-day. These are seen as a sign that the matter is serious.
    Foreign Minister de la Barra issued in appeal last night, calling upon Mexicans and foreigners alike to rally round the Government, as the situation, both internal and external, was delicate, and the Government needed all the support that was possible.
    The question of finances is occupying the minds of Administration officials to a very great extent. Bankers in France, England, and the United States are trying to obtain the forthcoming loan and political wires are being pulled.

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