Saturday, May 4, 2013

Automatic Aeroplane.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 4, 1913:
M. Moreau, the Inventor, Receives $2,000 from French Patriot.
    PARIS, April 25.— M. Moreau, who through, his experiments at Melun asserts that he has discovered the secret of automatic stability for aeroplanes, has just received $2,000 from an anonymous patriot, and great excitement has been created in aviation if not in military circles by the Invention.
    M. Moreau, before he took to aviation, was a printer's workman, and he has spent all his savings in perfecting his invention. The novelty in his design, as far as can be judged from what has been made public, consists in a suspended cage that contains the seat of the pilot and room for passengers. It is described as a pendulum seat, and the way it is attached under the frame at a certain point between the propeller and the horizontal rudders influences the centre of gravity, which is maintained constantly at a fixed point by the movements of the pendulum seat.

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