Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bryan Puns For Peace.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 14, 1913:
Tells British Delegates the Greatest Dreadnought Is Friendship.
    WASHINGTON, May 13. — Foreign delegates in this country preparing for the centenary celebration of the Treaty of Ghent departed to-day for Philadelphia, after being the guests of John A. Stewart of New York, at a breakfast at the Army and Navy Club.
    Secretary Bryan to-day bade the delegates from the British Empire farewell in the name of the United States. In the course of his remarks he said the preparations for the peace celebration were in the nature of the building of the greatest super-dreadnought, and that it was called "Friendship."
    "Its compass is the heart," said Mr. Bryan in describing the allegorical ship of peace; "its shells carry good will; its missiles are projected by the smokeless powder of love; its Captain is the Prince of Peace. I want you to drink with me to the battleship of Friendship. No target will withstand that which friendship sends abroad."
    Mr. Stewart, Chairman of the American Executive Committee, said a meeting would be held in New York on May 23, when plans would be formulated for raising several millions for the American features of the proposed celebration. Similar meetings are to be held by subcommittees in London, Toronto, Melbourne, and Ghent.

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