Saturday, May 4, 2013

Foresaw Krupp Scandal.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 4, 1913:
Lord Loreburn Made a Statement in Cobden Club Book.
    LONDON, April 25.— The allegation against the Krupps, the German gun firm, that they have engineered "scares" in order to promote the sale of armament, gives point to one of the opening sentences in a preface which Lord Loreburn, the ex-Lord Chancellor, has written to a pamphlet on the "German Panic" by J. A. Hobson, and published by the Cobden Club. The sentence in question reads:
    "The zeal of the naval and military services in all countries * * * the pressure of inventors and contractors for the engines and material of war, of the press which they control, and of the press which neither they nor any one else can control, are constant influences in producing international unrest."

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