Thursday, May 16, 2013

May Impeach President.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 16, 1913:
Charges of Conspiracy Brought Against Him in Lower House.
    MEXICO CITY, May 15.— Formal charges of conspiracy, usurpation and assassination against Gen. Victoriano Huerta, provisional President of Mexico, have been made by Heriberto Barron, formerly commercial agent of the Madero government in the United States. Barron is now in New York City. The charges were read at an executive session of the Chamber of Deputies to-night. Barron asks for the impeachment of the President. The charges were referred to a committee, and it is expected that they will be reported to the House.
    Manuel Calero, formerly Ambassador at Washington, had a long conference to-day with President Huerta. It is reported that he notified Huerta of his intention to stand as a candidate for the Presidency.
    The newspaper Independiente, which has been pronounced in its antagonism to the United States, will publish, to-morrow the alleged discovery of an intervention party in the United States, made up of representatives of many sections and including several Congressmen.

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