Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Paris Anarchists Hoot King Alfonso.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 8, 1913:
Police Scatter Mobs Shouting "Down with the Assassin King!"
Diplomatic Denial Is Made of Spain's Entrance Into the Triple Entente.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
    PARIS, May 7.— King Alfonso of Spain arrived in Paris this morning on a three days' visit to President Poincaré. He and Count Romanones, the Spanish Premier, drove from the station with the President in a four-horse carriage, escorted by cuirassiers. The route was densely lined with troops, and behind them were massed large crowds of Parisians, who cheered the King vigorously.
    At rare intervals groups of revolutionaries raised cries of "Vive Ferrer!" as the carriage passed. So indignant was the crowd that it handled some of the demonstrators severely, and some bricklayers, at work on a new building in the Champs Elysées, who hooted a little, were forced to stay on their scaffolding all day, going without dinner, because people were waiting at the foot to mob them if they came down.
    The secretary of Count Romanones assured The New York Times Correspondent that the visit had no political object beyond the general one of strengthening the ties binding the two countries. The entrance of Spain into the Triple Entente, he said, had not advanced beyond the stage of an idea.
    Eleven Spaniards who arrived in Paris late last night were arrested, and ten more were taken in custody at Lyons.

    PARIS. May 7.— The Communist Anarchist Federation here attempted to carry out its threatened demonstration of protest against King Alfonso's visit in front of the Spanish Embassy, but large forces of police ruthlessly scattered the 300 anarchists and syndicalists as soon as they began to shout "Long live Ferrer! Down with assassin King."
    Groups of manifestants then began to smash street lamps and to tear down the decorations of houses. The police had difficulty in quelling the disorders. Twenty persons were arrested.

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