New York Times 100 years ago today, May 3, 1913:
American Charge d'Affaires Transmits President's Message to Yuan Shih-Kai.
Washington Pleased with Yuan's Expression of Devotion to Republican Principles.
PEKING, May 2.— The presentation to-day by Edward T. Williams, Charge d'Affaires of the American Legation, of the formal recognition by the United States of the Chinese Republic, was made an occasion of much ceremony. Troops lined the streets between the American Legation and the Winter Palace, while Secretary Williams drove through in a Presidential carriage, with an escort of Chinese troops and accompanied by the staff of the Legation.
Mr. Williams made a brief speech and handed President Wilson's message to Yuan Shih-Kai, and the latter responded in a few picturesque phrases.
The American visitors were then entertained at luncheon, and were later ushered through the historic Manchu quarters. Many high Chinese officials were present.
Mexico also recognized the Chinese Republic to-day.
WASHINGTON, May 2.— The new Chinese Republic was formally recognized to-day by the United States. Mr. Williams, Charge d'Affaires at Peking, cabled that he had delivered the formal recognition, as he was authorized to do upon the complete organization of the new government.
This Government's action has created a most interesting international situation and brings to the point the intentions of the five other powers, parties to the six-power loan negotiations, from which the United States recently withdrew, announcing its purpose to recognize China and urging the others to do the same. It is known that some of them, at least, required more than a mere organization of a National Legislature between which and the provisional executive serious friction had already developed, and that they were originally disposed to await the installation of a President chosen by constitutional methods and with evident adequate support to maintain himself.
On the other hand, the recent action of Yuan Shih-Kai in concluding a loan for $125,000,000 with the five-power group is expected to prove a powerful incentive to those governments to support Yuan Shih-Kai by joining in the recognition of China accorded to-day by the United States.
The formal recognition of the United States was extended when Mr. Williams delivered to President Yuan Shih-Kai the following message from President Wilson:
The Government and people of the United States of America, having abundantly testified their sympathy with the people of China upon their assumption of the attributes and powers of self-government, deem it opportune at this time, when the representative National Assembly has met to discharge the high duty of setting the seal of full accomplishment upon the aspirations of the Chinese people, that I extend, in the name of my Government and my countrymen, a greeting of welcome to the new China thus entering into the family of nations.
In taking this step I entertain the confident hope and expectation that in perfecting a republican form of Government the Chinese nation will attain to the highest degree of development and well being, and that under the new rule all the established obligations of China which pass to the provisional Government will in turn pass to and be observed by the Government established by the Assembly.
President Yuan Shih-Kai's response was as follows:
In the name of the Republic of China I thank you most heartily for the message of recognition which you have sent me through your honored representative in this capital, and the sentiments of amity and good-will to which it gives expression. The greeting and welcome which it conveys at once testify to the American spirit of mutual helpfulness and add another brilliant page to the history of seventy years of uninterrupted friendly intercourse between China and the United States.
Though unfamiliar with the republican form of Government, the Chinese people are yet fully convinced of the soundness of the principles which underlie it and which are so luminously represented by your glorious Commonwealth. The sole aim of the Government which they have established, therefore, is and will be to preserve this form of Government and to perfect its working to the end that they enjoy its unalloyed blessings, prosperity and happiness within, through union of law and liberty and peace, and friendship without through the faithful execution of all established obligations
Minister Chang, as soon as he learned that this country had formally recognized the Chinese Republic, called upon John Bassett Moore, Acting Secretary of State, to Assure him of China's appreciation. The Minister told Secretary Moore that he was sure this country's act would go far in helping the new Government to assume and maintain its position in the family of Republican nations.
State Department officials are inclined to regard the language contained in Yuan Shih-Kai's message of thanks to President Wilson's letter of recognition as indicating devotion to republican principles and as refuting the charge that he has been contemplating the establishment of a despotism.
SHANGHAI, May 2.— In honor of the recognition of the Chinese Republic by the United States, Consul General Amos P. Wilder and the Governor of the Province of Kiangsu exchanged official visits to-day, when warm felicitations were expressed.
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