Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cannot Understand Austria.

New York Times 100 years ago today, December 13, 1912:
French Fear an Attack on Servia Has Been Decided Upon.
    PARIS, Dec. 12.— The Temps, which is considered to reflect the views of the Government, thinks that everything tends to confirm the feeling of uncertainty and uneasiness.
    Reviewing the attitude of Austria during the last six months, the paper points out that in 1909, when she had to defend the annexation of Bosnia and Herzogovina, Austria made military preparations on a considerably smaller scale than those she has recently undertaken, and also that Austria is making these preparations in the presence of a pacific Russia and a Servia which is ready to abide by the will of the great powers.
    Other conservative opinion in Paris is to the effect that impartial observers must conclude that the Cabinet at Vienna is making ready to attack Servia on one pretext or another, or else wished to be master of the negotiations in London.
    The Servian peace delegate, M. Nikolitch, in an interview in The Petit Parisien, expresses pessimistic views as to the prospects that Servia will obtain Durazzo.
    "I cannot hope," he says, "that we will get Durazzo. I believe that once more might will prevail over right and that before the solid front of the Triple Alliance and the responsibilities of a frightful war the Governments will draw back.
    "I fear that the Austrian bear will place his heavy paw on us. Putting myself in the position of the other nations, I quite understand their unwillingness to risk such a war. Reduced to our own resources, we must see what we have to do and where our duty lies. But we will fulfill that duty to the bitter end."
    Rumania's suggestion that her representative participate in the Ambassadorial conference has not been supported by France or Great Britain, as it is desired to limit the discussion to the six great powers.

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