Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last Charge On Adrianople.

New York Times 100 years ago today, December 8, 1912:
Constantinople Hears of Fierce Attack Just Before the Armistice.
    CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 7.— This official message has been received from the Vali of Adrianople, under date of Dec. 4:
    "At 9 o'clock last evening, before the armistice was signed, the enemy, with the intention of approaching the forts, made a general charge with all their forces of infantry and artillery on the south, north, and west, and also on the Marash side. Our brave soldiers repulsed the attack with great vigor, and did not give way a step from the advance posts which they were occupying.
    "During terrible fighting, which lasted nearly, six hours, the enemy sustained considerable losses and had to retreat on all sides in a lamentable state. The enemy fired nearly seventy shells at the town without, thanks to God, causing any losses.
    "The armistice was proclaimed to-day."

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