New York Times 100 years ago today, December 10, 1912:
Six-Power Banker Says $125,000,000 Has Been Agreed Upon.
A banker interested in the American group for participation in Chinese financing says that the syndicate has had no official advices regarding the $125,000,000 loan reported to have been arranged between the representatives of the group in Peking and the Chinese officials, but that he understood that a loan had been practically effected.
When the Chinese broke off their negotiations with the six-power group last Summer they said that the terms offered them were humiliating, and never could be accepted. They objected principally to the provisions for foreign supervision of expenditures and the agreement that China was not to borrow outside of the international group for a period of about five years. It was said yesterday that any modifications which might have been made to conciliate the Chinese would not be allowed to disturb the terms, but might result in minor changes in the arrangements for the financing.
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