Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Montenegrins Rout Turks.

New York Times 100 years ago today, December 4, 1912:
Sortie of the Scutari Garrison Results in a Disastrous Defeat.
    GRUDA, (Montenegrin Headquarters,) Dec. 3.— The Turkish garrison at Scutari made a sortie against the Montenegrin left flank yesterday afternoon. The action spread rapidly all along the line and gradually developed into a pitched battle, which lasted until 6 o'clock this morning in spite of a great downpour of rain.
    Although the Turks showed much gallantry, it was an unfortunate moment for them when they left the cover of their entrenchments. The Montenegrins held their fire at first, and then opened on their foes with rifles, artillery, and machine guns, decimating the ranks of the Turks.
    The artillery on both sides was in action all night. The flashes of the guns were clearly visible in the darkness. Over a field telephone the General in command gave orders to the Montenegrin artillery to direct their fire on the town. The shells did great damage. Flames could be observed in several places, while the people rushed about in a panic.
    When dawn broke, masses of dead could be seen at the most advanced points reached by the Turks before they retired. The Montenegrin losses were inconsiderable.
    The operations against Scutari will be suspended by the signing of the armistice.

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