New York Times 100 years ago today, December 6, 1912:
Rebel Movements in Durango Indicate His Return to the Field.
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 5.— The extraordinary activity of the rebels in the State of Durango, commanded by men once prominent in Orozco's army in Chihuahua, is taken here as another indication that Orozco is again directing an organized campaign. Two hundred rebels under Indio Mariano have captured the town of San Juan del Rio, after defeating the garrison of seventy men. The Federal garrison of 500 men at Casablanca, a few miles north of the city of Durango and about fifty miles south of San Juan del Rio, may be sent to re-occupy the town. Both places are on the railway.
Cheche Campos and Luis Caro are operating in the same part of the State and have occupied, with little resistance, such points as they desired. Reliable estimates place the number of their men at from 1,500 to 2,000.
Gen. Tellez will remain in Chihuahua instead of being dispatched south, as the War Department intended.
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