Sunday, December 2, 2012

Suggests Reason For Greek Delay.

New York Times 100 years ago today, December 2, 1912:
    LONDON, Monday. Dec. 2.— According to one report that reached here, Greece has a large force of troops from    Salonika at sea, and it is suggested that Greece may delay signing the armistice to enable these troops to reach their destination, which is supposed to be the Gulf of Saros in Gallipoli.
    A Brindisi dispatch to The Daily Telegraph says:
    "The rift between Bulgaria and Greece is growing. There is no partition treaty between the allies, and Bulgaria is trying to magnify the result of her victories, while minimizing those of Servia and Greece.
    "Bulgaria is now claiming disproportionate aggrandizement in the conquered territory. Ferdinand wishes Bulgaria to be as large as Greece and Servia combined, but his anxiety to claim the lion's share of the spoils jeopardizes the successful termination of the war.
    "He kept idle for sixteen days 60,000 troops at Salonika, while his victorious legions arrived before Tchatalja too weak to force the lines. Waking up to the danger, King Ferdinand asks Greece to send transports for his idle troops, with the double purpose of conjuring the danger he created and enhancing Bulgaria's share.
    "Through a private representative in Constantinople he suggests to the Grand Vizier to ask Bulgaria for an armistice, thereby stopping the Porte from prosecuting the negotiations opened with Greece."

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