New York Times 100 years ago today, May 3, 1913:
Will Probably Take No Action Before Ambassadors Meet on Monday.
Believes King Nicholas Will Be Compensated — Essad Sets Up Albanian Government.
By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times.
LONDON, May 2.— Austria has not yet moved against Montenegro, and in Vienna it is believed that she will not do so until after Monday's conference of the Ambassadors in London.
Instead of the Crown Council, which was to have met in Vienna, there was a meeting of the principal Ministers, at the close of which it was stated that the situation was unchanged.
Every day's delay brings a better chance of the difficulties being arranged, and European feeling, except in Vienna, is becoming almost optimistic.
LONDON, Saturday, May 3.— The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph in Vienna says he learns that Austria and Italy have arrived at an agreement for eventual parallel action with a view to the pacification of Albania, where the state of anarchy is continually growing worse.
LONDON, May 2.— No precipitate coercive action against Montenegro is likely to be undertaken by Austria-Hungary, according to information reaching diplomatic circles in London to-day. The powers, it is believed, will have a further opportunity of bringing pressure to bear at Cettinje, the Montenegrin capital.
By the time the Ambassadors of the European powers come together in London, on Monday, they expect to have evolved a plan for the compensation of King Nicholas for the loss of Scutari, and it is thought probable that the real compensation offered will be thinly disguised under the description of a rectification of frontiers.
COLOGNE, May 2.— Guarded references made by M. Popovitch, the Montenegrin delegate to the recent London Peace Conference, as to the possibility of the Fortress of Scutari being evacuated by the Montenegrins, played an important part in the conference of Ambassadors at London on Thursday last, according to a dispatch from Berlin printed in the Cologne Gazette this evening, and resulted in a decision being reached by the Ambassadors to ask Montenegro for a final and definite statement as to her intentions regarding Scutari.
ATHENS, May 2.— A letter received here from Corfu says that Essad Pasha, the Turkish Commander in Chief during the prolonged siege of Scutari, has formed a Government at Tirana, where he has proclaimed the autonomy of Albania under the suzerainty of Turkey and hoisted the Turkish instead of the Albanian flag. Tirana is in a district full of reminiscences of the ancient Albanian Princes. It is about fifty-four miles south of Scutari and within twelve miles of Croia, where the famous Albanian Prince, Scanderbeg, resisted for so many years in the early part of the fifteenth century the tide of the Moslem invasion of Europe.
Essad Pasha has also written a letter to the Metropolitan of Durazzo, saying that the Albanian Government recognizes the authority of the Orthodox Church, to which it will offer its protection.
The letter says that the Albanian Government is in no way hostile to Greece, and that it recognizes the northern frontier of Epirus in accordance with the demands of the Greek Government.
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