Friday, May 3, 2013

Huerta's Generals Turn Against Him.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 3, 1913:
Mexican Rebels Announce That Aubert and Rabago Have Joined Them.
Constitutionalistas Evacuate Empalme as Federals Shell It — Americans Flee the Town.
    EAGLE PASS, Texas. May 2.— Officials of the Carranza Party announced from the Constitutionalist headquarters in Piedras Negras to-day that Gen. Trucy Aubert, the Huerta leader in Northwest Mexico, had joined forces with Gov. Venustiano Carranza, the insurgent executive of Coahuila. Reports from. Mexico City that not only Gen. Aubert but also Gen. Rabago had joined the revolutionary movement gave weight to a statement issued from Constitutionalist headquarters that campaigning by the Federal troops had ceased. Another report stated that Gen. Lopez, who had been campaigning with Aubert, was negotiating to join Carranza.

    LAREDO, Texas, May 2.— At least as late as yesterday. Gen. Trucy Aubert, the Huerta leader, had not joined forces openly with Gov. Carranza, said Samuel Jordan, a Texas ranchman, who arrived here to-day from Lampazos,
    Aubert's headquarters. Jordan said Aubert's troops were in control of Lampazos, and that he saw several bands of Constitutionalistas outside that city. Gen. Felix Diaz, the Cabinet, and representatives of all parties in both houses of Congress.
    No fighting was in progress. Jordan saw several human bodies swinging from telegraph poles where prisoners had been hanged.

    EL PASO, Texas, May 2.— Federal forces in Chihuahua State are not expected to turn against the Huerta Government unless Gen. Felix Diaz reaches an agreement with the revolutionists. Constitutionalist agents here, however, believe Gen. Trucy Aubert, the Federal commander in Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, is more likely to arrive at a direct understanding with the insurgents.
    Arrivals from Coahuila say Gen. Aubert has done everything except actually to assist the followers of Gov. Carranza, who are not prone to press the campaign against the Federals for that reason. The condition in Chihuahua is different, owing largely to the strong feeling aroused against Gen. Antonio Rabago on account of the killing of Abraham Gonzales, the old Governor.

    NOGALES, Ariz., May 2.— Insurgent forces evacuated Empalme to-day, after which the Mexican gunboat Guerrero began shelling the California Gulf town, preliminary to a land movement from Guaymas, where the Federal garrison was reinforced strongly yesterday. In Empalme were many American railway men, including Supt. J. H. Temple of the Southern Pacific of Mexico. H. Lawton, General Freight and Passenger Agent of the road, who was ill in bed, was removed in an automobile. Others remained under cover or escaped to the hills.

    WASHINGTON, May 2.— Election for , President of Mexico will be conducted Oct. 26 by the Huerta Government, according to advices to the Mexican Embassy here to-day. The report said the date was agreed upon at a conference between Provisional President Huerta, Gen. Felix Diaz, the Cabinet and representatives of all parties in both houses of Congress.

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