Friday, May 3, 2013

The Chinese Republic.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 3, 1913:
    The formal recognition of the Chinese Republic by the United States must have been deeply gratifying to Yuan Shih-Kai and the members of his Government. Of our friendly feeling toward the Republic of China assurance has already been given in President Wilson's notification of our withdrawal from the six-Power loan group; but recognition is a higher assurance, the highest we can give, since it is a declaration that China is admitted to the family of nations, and this declaration, coming from the great American Republic, the first great Power to extend recognition, has a peculiar value.
    The European Powers have evidently felt some hesitation about extending recognition, but the act of President Wilson can hardly be described as precipitate. The conditions precedent to recognition are that the new Government shall have an established seat, and that it shall be capable of maintaining order at home and of fulfilling its obligations abroad. Upon these points confidence will be more firm, doubtless, after a regularly elected President shall have succeeded the present provisional Executive, but Yuan Shih-Kai is probably beyond danger of overthrow from mere intrigue — nothing short of general and organized uprising against his authority would displace him, and that is a possibility which might confront his successor.
    We should suppose that recognition by the other Powers would now promptly follow. The arrangements for a loan have been completed, giving the five nations concerned a direct interest in the stability of Yuan Shih-Kai's Government, and there is no visible reason why they should not follow our example and put the new republic upon the footing of an established nation. In view of the risk of loss of influence and standing in China involved in our withdrawal from the loan, the prompt recognition accorded by President Wilson is certainly logical and probably wise.

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