Friday, May 17, 2013

No War, Says Greely.

New York Times 100 years ago today, May 17, 1913:
Does Not Think That Japan Wants a Clash with Us.
By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times.
    LONDON, May 16.— Speaking of the Japanese-California situation, which, according to to-night's reports here, is becoming seriously strained, Major Gen. Greely expressed the opinion that the difficulty would eventually be settled by the passage of a law making it impossible for all foreigners to hold property in America except under certain specified conditions.
    "The United States would not be alone in such a measure," he said. "I've heard Prince Hohenlohe speak of having to dispose of property in Russia owing to a law prohibiting his holding it as a German subject, and in other countries in Europe there is a growing prejudice against foreigners owing land.
    "I do not think the East quite realizes how strong the opinion is on the Pacific Coast in the matter. California will never consent to the admission of Japanese as citizens; I've learned this from personal experience on the Coast. My knowledge of Japan disinclines me to think there is any likelihood of Japan going to war over the matter. Her responsible politicians are strongly opposed to it. Japanese finances are in an unfit condition for war. If there is any real danger it lies in the possibility of a wave of popular jingoism by the ignorant masses getting the upper hand."

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