New York Times 100 years ago today, June 9, 1913:
Servia Reported to be Holding Back Bulgarian Messages.
VIENNA, June 8.— A Sofia dispatch to The Neue Freie Presse says:
"War is almost inevitable between the Balkan allies.
"The solution of the Cabinet crisis must not be looked for before June 12. The Daneff Cabinet is expected to effect a rapprochement with the Triple Alliance, and meanwhile a meeting of the Premiers is extremely doubtful.
"Great excitement prevails. Servia is allowing the passage of no Bulgarian messages. From to-day a more drastic 'state of war ' will be observed. All houses must close at 9 o'clock at night."
BELGRADE, June 8.— The feeling of irritation and alarm is becoming pronounced here, the belief being that Bulgaria is delaying her reply to the Servian note only to gain time to dispose her troops to the best advantage.
Premier Pasitch to-day held a conference with the leaders of the various political parties and discussed relations between Servia and Bulgaria.
Yesterday the Bulgarians again attempted to occupy Servian territory between Douran and Strumitza. This, coupled with Bulgaria's failure to reply to the Servian note, has caused the Opposition leaders to demand a speedy settlement of the crisis. It is proposed that the Skupshtina shall declare the occupied territories annexed, thus confronting Bulgaria with a fait accompli.
SOFIA, June 8.— The semi-official Mir says:
"No Bulgarian Government will ever consent to a revision of the Serbo-Bulgarian treaty. If the Servians do not hasten to abandon their foolish and provocative demand for such revision, we do not see that any good can be expected from the interview of the four Premiers, which is momentarily adjourned, owing to the Bulgarian Ministerial crisis, and less so as the regime of terror to which the Macedonians are being subjected by the Servians and Greeks does not presage the possibility of an understanding between the allies.
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