New York Times 100 years ago today, July 28, 1912:
Rome Sounded on Project for the Acquisition of Tripolitania.
For Italy Must Engage to Promote Civilization Along Moslem Lines and Pay Pensions to Arab Widows.
ROME, July 19.— With the fall of the Cabinet of Said Pasha, in which the most conspicuous figure is Mahmud Shefket, who has all along pleaded for an energetic continuation of the war with Italy, it is quite likely that peace will shortly loom large on the horizon. The internal affairs of Turkey urgently demand this measure. It is more than likely as any new Cabinet formed will have distinctly British sympathies, that Great Britain and France will be the powers which will take the initiative in acting respectively for Turkey and Italy.
Already the Government has been sounded here as to what it would accept to cease hostilities, and it is known that the following scheme, sent privately and unofficially from Constantinople, is being Considered by the Italian Government. Although it is not likely that it will be accepted in its present form, should Italy's reply — also private and unofficial — be accepted by the new Turkish Government, then it is likely that the British and French Ambassadors in Rome will at once proceed with a protocol. The Turkish draft of the project for a treaty of peace reads as follows:
The Treaty of Peace.
(The first and only article.) Insplred by the mutual admiration of the bravery of the troops hitherto opposed to each other, remembering the ancient and long-lasting peace and friendship, existing between Turkey and Italy, and wishing, to re-establish and continue such a friendship the two contracting Powers have united themselves to decare that peace between Turkey and Italy is re-established.
In execution of the treaty of peace happily concluded to-day the two contracting powers have agreed to what here follows:
(a) Turkish troops in Tripolitania will return to Constantinople within a month from the day of the ratification of the treaty of peace.
(b)Italian troops are to render to the departing Turkish troops full military honors.
(c) The Turkish Government will exercise their influence with the Mohammedan population to facilitate to the Italian authorities the establishment and preservation of peace and order, for which object the Italian Authorities will have full military, administrative, and political powers.
The Italian Government-engages:
1. To respect the religion and the nationality of the Mohammedan population of Tripolitania.
2. To allow the population to have their own national schools, in which, beside the sciences and Italian and other foreign languages, the Alkoran shall be taught by competent Mohammedan teachers, as well as the Arabic language and writing.
3. For the keeping of mosques, schools, priests, teachers, and other servants, of the mosques and the schools, the Italian Government would furnish a capital of 10,000,000 francs, the interest of which should be used in payment of the priests, teachers, and other servants of mosques and schools. That fund could be augmented by the subsequent decisions of the Italian Government and by voluntary charitable bequests. It will be administered by a body elected by the Mohammedans themselves, under the supervision of the Tripolitan Board of Education.
4. The Italian Government engages to grant pensions to the widows and orphans of the Arabs fallen on the battlefield during the war.
5. The Mohammedans of Tripolitania will have the liberty to consider the Shiekh-ul-Islam of Constantinople as their highest religious authority in purely, religious questions.
6. On the existing forts and fortifications on all festival occasions the standard with the Crescent shall be raised up simultaneously with the Italian Standard, and kept there as long as this one is kept.
7. In compensation for the revenue which the Imperial Turkish Treasury had from Tripolitania, the financial department of Tripolitania will every year send to the Imperial Treasury a sum of half a million of francs.
8. All the islands occupied by the Italian troops will be reoccupied by the Turkish troops.
This Protocol will be ratified at the same time with the Treaty of Peace, of which it forms an integral part.
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