New York Times 100 years ago today, June 11, 1913:
Asks the Powers to Take Joint Action for Demobilization.
Many Killed in Serious Encounter — Servian Minister May Leave Bulgarian Capital.
By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times.
VIENNA, June 10.— All news from Belgrade and Sofia tends to show that war between Servia and Bulgaria is inevitable, and that on both sides military preparations are nearly perfected.
In diplomatic circles, however, some confidence is shown that war will be averted. Russia has made a proposal to the powers to take joint action in regard to the Balkan States, summoning them to demobilise. There seems to be a chance that all the powers may adopt Russia's suggestion. It is said that a joint note embodying it will be transmitted to Sofia and Belgrade to-morrow.
LONDON, June 10.— Many Servians were killed to-day in a serious encounter between Servian and Bulgarian troops near the small town of Makres, to the north of Istip, according to a special dispatch to the Belgrade Mali Journal, forwarded here by the Exchange Telegraph Company.
Further conflicts are expected in the same neighborhood, as the Servians on Monday sent a note to the Bulgarian commander giving him until 7 o'clock in the evening to evacuate the small town of Volodan, failing which the Servian General declared that he would bombard Istip, now occupied by the Bulgarians.
The great powers are exerting every effort to prevent the Balkan States from flying at each others' throats and reports from Vienna indicate, with some success. Russia and Germany particularly are busy counseling peace and moderation, and the French Government is supporting them, and as the principal creditor is giving both Servia and Bulgaria clear warning that in the event of war no financial assistance will be forthcoming either before or after hostilities.
Since Servia has definitely declared that she will avoid all provocations toward Bulgaria, even should the latter refuse revision of the treaty of alliance, and will wait before proclaiming annexation of the occupied territories, and since Bulgaria has also expressed readiness to do anything possible to maintain peace, it is still hoped that war may be averted.
The Neue Freie Presse learns that Dr. Daneff will soon form a new cabinet at Sofia, no military reasons for further delay existing, as the Bulgarian army is ready for action on the Servian and Macedonian frontiers.
A Bucharest dispatch to The Daily Telegraph says that if war occurs Rumania will mobilize her army, but at present has no understanding with any of the allies.
The official Mir at Sofia says that the Servians want war, and that, this being so, no middle course is open to Bulgaria, which must demand the immediate evacuation of the territories in the uncontested zone while awaiting the judgment of the arbitrator and must send to all parts of the disputed zone as many troops as the Servians have there.
A Belgrade dispatch says that the Russian Emperor has addressed telegrams to King Peter and King Ferdinand, imploring them to avoid a fratricidal war and expressing the hope that they will accept the intervention of arbitrators.
BELGRADE, June 10.— Railway communication between Servia and Bulgaria has been stopped, and the Servian newspapers assert that the Servian Minister to Bulgaria is about to quit Sofia.
The Servian Cabinet to-day decided to send a firm final note to Bulgaria asking the Government at Sofia to arrange for a meeting of the Premiers of the two countries.
The Servian Minister of War to-day said that the question of war or peace between Bulgaria and Servia would be decided in two or three days. Servia, he said, must retain all the territory which had been occupied by her troops, and the European powers must persuade Bulgaria to modify the treaty of alliance entered into with Servia before the war with Turkey. Otherwise, he concluded, war was certain.
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