Friday, August 24, 2012

$1,000,000 To Bury Mikado.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 24, 1912:
Nation Will Pay $750,000 and the New Emperor the Remainder.
    TOKIO, Aug. 23.— Yoshihito, the new Emperor of Japan, completed to-day the formalities connected with his accession to the throne.
    The closing function was the reading by the Premier of a special edict to the members of the Diet, assembled in extraordinary session, which read:
    "I have ascended the throne of my Imperial ancestors and expect to follow in the footsteps of the late Emperor, obeying the guidance of my ancestors."
    An appropriation of $750,000 to cover the expenses of the funeral of Mutsuhito was then introduced. The remaining $250,000 of the cost of the funeral ceremonies will be borne by the Emperor.

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