Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hypocrisy of the Canal Bill.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 28, 1912:
To the Editor of The New York Times:
    The men who are responsible for the clauses in the Panama Canal bill which are causing Europe and Canada to question our National probity and sense of honor are placing us in a position by no means enviable, and one which we, as a people, must surely be disgusted with. If the greatest republic the world has yet seen cannot make a "square deal" and abide by a treaty made with another power in all sincerity, however disadvantageous to ourselves the terms of the treaty may be, we cannot hope to retain our position among nations and our fair name as peacemakers and ardent supporters of the principle of arbitration.
    Let us make our voices heard through the press and public meetings and demonstrations protesting against the action of our Senators in disregarding what should be a sacred thing, the terms of a treaty with a foreign power.
        New York, Aug. 26, 1912.

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