Sunday, August 19, 2012

To Free Abdul Hamid.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 19, 1912:
Supposed Object of Albanians' March on Salonika — Massacres Continue.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
    LONDON, Monday, Aug. 19. — The Daily Telegraph's Constantinople correspondent says with reference to the decision of the Albanian insurgents to march on Salonika that he has received information, which is confirmed from a diplomatic source, that the move is intended either as a measure of intimidation to force the Government to accept all the insurgent demands, or else, which is more probable, it is the commencement of the execution of a plan for the liberation of ex-Sultan Abdul Hamid. The correspondent adds:
    "Whatever may be the true intentions of the rebels, I am informed that this time the Government has decided to resist, and has telegraphed to the military authorities to call upon the insurgents to stop, and to open fire on them if they persist in advancing."

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