Friday, August 24, 2012

Germans Back Up England.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 24, 1912:
Berlin Newspaper Says the Fatherland Should Ask No Favors of Us.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
    BERLIN, Aug. 23. — German comment on the Panama bill has been marked hitherto by a restraint which was probably not entirely without special inspiration. This restraint was broken to-day, however, by the Deutsche Tageszeitung, which in a remarkable leading article said:
    "The Hay-Pauncefote treaty, while an Anglo-American pact, concerns itself with the treatment of mercantile vessels and the warships of all nations. England, therefore, in a certain sense may consider herself a representative of all these nations.
    "They, therefore, now await with the greatest concern the steps which England will take to compel America to fulfil its agreements according to the obligations of the treaty.
    "We regard it as not only desirable but necessary for the German Government to leave the United States in no doubt that we have no need to beg economic favors of them."

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