Monday, August 20, 2012

Maine Leans To Wilson.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 20, 1912:
Republican Split Helps Democrats-State Election on Sept. 9.
Special to The New York Times.
    BATH, Me., Aug. 19.— Republican leaders fear that Maine will go for Wilson. This State sent Roosevelt delegates to the Republican Convention in Chicago, and a large proportion of the members of the party were disappointed at the nomination of Taft, and while many would have been willing to support Roosevelt rather than Taft, there are hundreds who believe that a compromise candidate could have carried the State. They now feel that the present split will result in the choice of Wilson Electors in November. Every effort is being made by the Republicans to keep National issues out until after the State election and to prevent a clash between the Taft and Roosevelt forces which would endanger their chances of success in carrying the State on Sept. 9.
    The liquor question, which has been the bone of contention through many campaigns, is not receiving its customary attention this year. The reported utterances of Gov. Wilson on local option have struck a favorable chord among the members of his own party and with a great many Republicans. Indications now are that Gov. Plaisted will be re-elected in September, and that for the first time since the birth of the Republican Party this State's Electoral vote will be cast for the Democracy in November.

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