Monday, August 20, 2012

Curb On Drug Smugglers.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 20, 1912:
New Law Drafted to Stop Contraband Importation of Opium.
    SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 19.— In an effort to check activities of the smugglers of opium from the Orient, United States District Attorney McNab is working upon the draft of a new law which he will seek to have the United States Treasury Department sanction.
    The present statute provides fines for the Captains of vessels on which opium is found. Mr. McNab proposes a statute that will impose a fine equal to the market value of the contraband drug, not upon the Captain, but upon the steamship company operating the vessel. The finding of opium aboard a ship, the statute will provide, shall be prima facie evidence of negligence on the part of the steamship company, and the fine shall be imposed at once.

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