Wednesday, August 29, 2012

German Paper Flays Us.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 29, 1912:
Speaks of Our "Impudence" in Raising Tariff on Flour and Peas.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
    BERLIN, Aug. 28.— The Deutsche Tages-Zeitung, in a first-page article bitterly attacking America and Americans because of the recent increase in the tariff on rye flour, wheat flour, and split peas, introduces the attack by reprinting a paragraph from the Cologne Gazette, which declared that the matter was unimportant, since the value of Germany's exports of these three articles did not exceed $250 annually.
    The Tages-Zeitung declares it makes no difference how small these exports are, as the smaller they are the less excuse there is for America's action. The article continues:
    "The proposed increase is a breach of the existing covenants between America and Germany. The German Government must not put up with this breach, even if only one mark's worth of flour is exported to America. The impudence of Messieurs, the Americans, must no longer be tolerated."

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