Sunday, August 19, 2012

Politics Splits Delaware.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 19, 1912:
Bull Moose Ticket May Give State to the Democrats.
Special to The New York Times.
    DOVER, Del., Aug. 18.— The primaries held throughout Delaware yesterday for the election of delegates to the Republican State Convention here Tuesday were not decisive. The situation as regards the nomination of candidates for Governor and Congressman, (this State has but one Representative in Congress,) is in complex shape. The other nominations to be made will be three Taft electors, Attorney General, Insurance and Banking Commissioner, Auditor of Accounts, Lieutenant Governor, and State Treasurer.
    It became known to-day that a number of the leaders of the Progressive movement had announced to the Republican leaders that they (the Progressives) would indorse Dr. Luther H. S. Conwell of Cam-den, Kent County, for Governor if the convention should nominate him. The selection of Conwell would mean an agreement whereby there would be but one ticket in Delaware this year.
    A committee from the new party will come to Dover to-morrow night for the purpose of having a conference with the Republican leaders along these lines. The Progressives will suggest to the Republican State Committee that, although Conwell was not brought forward by them, his name having been mentioned by Republican leaders some months ago, he is acceptable to them, nevertheless.
    Should the overtures not avail, it is declared steps will then be taken to nominate a separate State ticket "right down the line." This development is the most significant that has occurred since the opening of the campaign. Two Re-publican State tickets would turn Delaware over to the Democrats. The next Legislature will elect a successor to United States Senator Harry A. Richardson, Republican.
    Should the regulars agree to nominate Dr. Conwell, and thereby bring about a single State ticket, the Progressives would name Roosevelt Electors, while the Republican Electors will be for Taft. There would be separate columns on the ballot, but the nominees for the State offices would be identical.

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