Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ultimatum To Electors.

New York Times 100 years ago today, August 15, 1912:
Must Declare for Taft or Get Off Ticket in Maryland.
Special to The New York Times.
    BALTIMORE, Aug. 14.— Under a resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Republican State Committee to-day, the Roosevelt Electors remaining on the regular Republican ticket will have seven days within which to decide what they intend to do. If they will agree to support President Taft both at the polls and in the electoral college in the event that he carries the State, all well and good, or, if they prefer to resign they will be at liberty to do so. If they refuse to do either, the State Convention will be reassembled, they will be removed, and Taft men will be put in their places.
    In the event that the Roosevelt Electors decide to resign the State Central Committee has authority to fill their places. But if they stick — and some of the Bull Moose leaders want them to stick — Chairman Hanna will reconvene the State Convention. If the Republicans have the situation correctly sized up, the Roosevelt men will play a small part should the re-assembling take place. Word was given out to-day that the Taft people would control the convention by even a bigger majority than they had when it first assembled.

    W. Bourke Cockran, the erstwhile Tammany orator, may be a candidate for Congress in the First District on the Bull Moose ticket. Asked if he had openly announced that he would support the ticket, Mr. Cockran said:
    "Yes, I supported Mr. Roosevelt while I was in Congress, and I have done so ever since. To my mind Mr. Roosevelt is the best Democrat of them all; the best Democrat in the United States."
    Mr. Cockran said he had not been notified officially of any intention to nominate him for Congress, and that he did not care to say just now whether he would accept if the nomination were tendered him.

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